October 21, 2010

Nuevo Video de Adam Ondra en Ceüse

Ya esta en linea el video que filme en el pasado septiembre con Adam en Francia.
Una vez mas gracias a Black Diamond USA por todo el apoyo para este proyecto conjunto.
Habrá mas… pronto.

Recomendado para ver a pantalla completa

ACTUALIZACIÓN: el video ha sido visto 19 000 veces en un solo día y 36 000 en cuatro dias!

VIDEO PROFILE: BD athlete Adam Ondra on first ascent of L‘étrange Ivresse des Lenteurs (9a+), Ceüse, France from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.
Black Diamond athlete Adam Ondra is unquestionably one of the world’s top rock climbers. But what makes this Czech teenager so unstoppable, what drives him? We sent ace photographer/videographer Bernardo Gimenez (who also put together the Nico Favresse video profile) to meet up with Ondra at the French mega-crag of Ceüse to get the answers... which he did—as well as some sweet footage of Ondra making the first ascent of L‘étrange Ivresse des Lenteurs (9a+).

A tasteful blend of climbing footage and interview footage, we feel this video profile does as good a job as anything we’ve seen in showcasing the personality and determination of Adam Ondra.

To see a great collection of photos Gimenez took of Ondra in Ceüse, go to: http://www.blackdiamondequipment.com/en-us/journal/climb/athletes/video-profile-bd-athlete-adam-ondra-climbing-9a-in-ce%C3%BCse